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Firefighter Rescue Simulator 1.0.2
Gamer Network
Help, help, help! Please save the city! Thelong awaiting rescue game is now ready to all the fire savers incity. Firefighter rescue simulator is a dream come true game forthose who wanted to be the town hero to fight the hazardous anddangerous fire. Learn to care more on the life of people in dangerand try all you can to save them. This is surely a game aim onplayers who wanted to be a real firefighter in the future. Exposeyourself to all the dangerous scenario and get used to it beforeentering into the true saving environment. Download firefighterrescue simulator now and learn to be the best of the best firesavers.Features of firefighter rescue simulator as below- Pump in more fuel to drive in maximum speed.- Keep away from all the vehicles coming to you.- Feel the heartbeat while driving the truck simulator in 3dscenario to the -city.- Compete with other great heroes in their firefighters truck toput down the fire.Learn to play firefighter rescue simulator- Motion based control that make you addicted to it.- Build up your own special drive to the fire scene.- Collect the rewards to pump in more fuel to your firebrigade.Download now and stay tune with more of our new features andchallenges that would shock you as a fireman in the emergencyrescue at the amazing year of 2015. Drive as fast as you can tosave more and more lives in firefighter rescue simulator and createsafety and harmony cities.Firefighter is one of the greatest job in the world that involvesaving human lives from danger. It is a career that everybody aimto be since young. They are being respected by people because theywilling to risk their life in all the hazardous environment. Theyeven care more of the victim safety over theirs. Thus, all of themare known to be a truly great heroes as firefighters fight and savelives.Although fireman is a job that everyone wanted to be, strictcriteria needed to be achieved in order to minimize the loss oflive. They have to undergo a lot of training especially simulationprogram in order to familiarize themselves in all the emergencysituation. The training include mental and stress test togetherwith fire and truck simulator test in 3d or known as real fireexperience before able to join the team force.All the training and test are so significant in order to makesure they are fit mentally and physically. Mental and stress testprepare themselves to be mentally strong and do not give up in anytough situation. Firefighter is also required to pass the fire andtruck simulator test with 3d alike scenario in order to equipthemselves with basic firefighting knowledge such driving the firebrigade and using all the equipment in combating with the fire andsmoke.In these modern era, technologies are getting more advance withmore features added. Engineers have use these technologies tocreate better simulation machine in order to train the fireman.Firefighter has actually gain a lot of experience with the fire andtruck simulator as they could repeatedly train and develop theirskill in the 3d world. They could feel and act quickly if thesimilar accident occur.Many countries have brought in the technologies to help reducethe damage on the cities and people. The fire and truck simulatortechnology have attracted numerous countries like Europe, USA,Korea and others to invest in the city of the respective country.The objective is to make sure the firefighters are well trained sothat they can act fast and accurate in all the emergency scenariowith their equipments like ladders, hoses, fire extinguishers andaxes to put down the fire.Don’t miss this awesome life saving game while it its stillfree. Download now and enjoy the fun of operating the fireman trucksimulator no matter you are in USA, Europe, United Kingdom or anypart of city of the world. Begin your careers as fireman now andsave everyone that is in danger. So hurry up to begin your journeynow!!
Train Racing Simulator 1.0.0
Gamer Network
The long awaiting train based game is finallyin town to amaze all the excited gamers. Train racing simulator isthe latest challenging and adventurous game in the current market.It will surely surprise not just children but also adults with allthe stunning move they can make on their trains. It will even be agreat exposure for players who aim to become a train driver andoperator. They can prepare themselves and get ready their mindbefore entering the real working life. Download now and feel ityourself with train racing simulator.Train racing simulator features as below:- Choose the trains that you like the most- Race with your favorite train in the railway track- Keep away from the dynamites with your incredible train controlskill- Amazing and impressive images and graphics- Compete with your friends’ train and get the highest scores inthe game- It is still free to playLearn to play train racing simulator- Press based control that need time to master- Learn and build up your own unique skills to get the highscores- Collect the rewards along the railway trackTrain racing simulator is updated regularly with new features,graphics and challenges. Download now and stay tune with more ofour new features that would shock you when you are the train driveron the railway. Take charge of the train and be the best traindriver or operator on the earth.Train is one of the most wonderful and significant creation of allthe transportation. It has help mankind to carry and transport hugequantity of people and goods over a long distance from one point toanother point. It has also become one of the most importanttransportation around the world. Million or even billion of peopleuse train everyday to work or travel from one destination toanother. Thus, being a train driver is such a fun and respectfuljob in the world.Having a career in the transportation industry is no a simplejob. You have to learn and practice a lot regarding the train inorder to have full control of the vehicle. A to be train drivershave to undergo a lot of simulation or known as sim training beforestarting the career. The train trainee have to work long hour onthe simulator in order to master the operation of the vehicle. Thetrain education which is the sim training is not just aboutpressing the button but also learning all aspect such as weather,temperature and many many more.Training is often a tiring moment to go on. They can only passthe exam only after the train driver is good and had master the allskills of operating the simulator. This is because the trainsimulator is able to help the trainee to experience all kind ofproblem or crisis that might not occur frequently in real world. Asmost of the time, train accident tend to happen due to the poorhandling and control of the driver. Thus, they have to learn andpractice to overcome these train problem or crisis to make sure thejourney is safe and secure.Train have evolve a lot as compare to the past. Traditionaltrain like steam train have been developed into many other type oftrains such as electric train and bullet train. The normal railwayhas also been modified to electrified railway, high speed railway,subway and others to cater the new type of train. Railway no longeron the ground but also above the ground such as monorail and underthe ground such as subway train.Don’t miss this awesome train game while it is still free.Download now and enjoy the fun of operating the train on yourfinger. Start your race in this endless journey. Wait no more andhave the fun with you now!!!
Crossy Penguin Road 1.0.0
Gamer Network
Have you ever cross the roads with yourfingers? Wait no more and try it out in crossy penguin road. Thecars, trucks and other vehicles are coming so fast from one end toanother end. Moving along the road must be as fast as lighting inorder not to be knocked by the the vehicle coming on. You have torun and jump to pass through the speedy road. Save all the penguineggs for not being Experience all this cool adventure only incrossy penguin road.Crossy penguin road features- Cute penguin and gorgeous vehicle awaiting you- Move up the level by saving the eggs on the road- Skill greatly needed to go across the fast traffic road- Run and jump from lane to lane to save the eggs- Traffic light would not be function to give you a safe roadcrossing- Speed up your action to avoid car knocking- Free to playHow to play crossy penguin road- Direction based control that allow user to move to any place theywanted- Avoid contact with the vehicle in the highway- Save as many eggs as possible while escaping from the carBegin your journey now with crossy penguin road. Experience howthe motherly penguin would do in saving their eggs. Do your bestand help the eggs on the busy road. Master the skill of control andbecome the king on the highway. So, download now and have all thefun with this cool apps!!!Vehicle like cars, trucks, train and others are getting more andmore on the road. Highway are built in many place even in thesouthern hemisphere of the earth. Penguin sometime have to crossthe highway in order to go opposite to a certain places. Youngpenguins or when they in the egg, they have difficulties in goingthrough the way. This make parent like crossy to worry about theirchildren when walk over the road.With many highway being built, more and more habitat havevarnished and they now straight near to the street. Crossy livenear the road side and have just lay many naughty egg beforeChristmas. She was so happy to have given birth to her children.However, her children tend to be able to walk around even beforecome out from the eggs. Crossy was actually very worry that herchildren would be knock by the vehicle on the road.What the motherly penguin worry have come true as she found hereggs were missing. She search everywhere and she found that theeggs are on the highway. She was so scare when she saw the eggscross over the road. Thus, without further thinking, she jump tothe highway lane and save her little children. She run along thehighway lane and pick up all the eggs she found.Every day, the mother penguin would found her children leavingtheir house and attempt to cross the road. She would have toendanger herself in order to save her lovely children and she didget hurt by the car or truck pass by. As time pass, baby penguinhave come out from their eggs and mother penguin have also teachthem to be careful and not to go near the pathway. They follow andobey all their mother teaching as they love and care so much fortheir mother.Wait no more. It is now your turn to be mother penguin and saveall the eggs. Download now and you will never regret to have thisjoyful and adventurous apps.
Turbo Drift Cars 1.0.1
Gamer Network
The most popular racing game is nowavailablein turbo drift cars. Learn all the move and speed all yourway tobecome a master in this cool game! Get ready your turboengine andspeed fast along this endless journey.Turbo drift cars features- Awesome car racing images and graphic- Beat your rival and friend high score with your specialmove- Cool and stunning driving games that make you go crazy- Even a beginner racer can accelerate and turbo the fastsportycar- Get new great vehicle graphic as you move further- Drive all your way fast and avoid damages- Go faster than your rivals' vehicle- Free to playHow to play turbo drift cars- Swipe based control that is fun to play but difficulttomaster- Apply your own unique turbo driving skills to beats otherdriversin these fun and fast racing environment- Easy and smooth vehicle handling- Speed all you can to the finish lineCar is now so affordable that everyone can own oneforthemselves. People are now modifying their cars in many waysinorder to conquer the street with their real fast racingvehicle.They enjoy the high speed of the moving monster in thehighway. Thejoy get doubled up when there is opportunity in racingagainsttheir friends or rivals. The drivers feel fun as competitionoftenboost up their adrenaline.In this era, turbo engines are said to be installed inmostdriving car not just the racing car. This because as comparedtothe past, the specification of the engine have evolved so much.Thenormal engine now can run so well and performance are paralleltothe turbo engine in the past. Thus, everyone now have nodifficultyto gear up their speed in racing with friends or rivalsin theroad.Download turbo drift cars now while it is free. Enjoy thisheatbuilding game and have fun on this highly anticipated realfastracing game not just with yourself but also your friends. Whatareyou waiting for? Download immediately and begin your joyandhappiness with the turbo drift cars.
Hungry Angry Shark Attack 1.0.1
Gamer Network
The fiercest aquatic beasts are now inactionin the hungry angry shark attack. They are moving all aroundtheunderwater to look food to fill in their stomach. Emptystomachmake them so angry and fasten their speed to search fortheirnutrients. They eat everything that come to their wayincludingdivers and swimmers. These sea monsters are also smart asthey knowhow to move themselves secretively enough for not beingcaptured bythe submarine. So download hungry angry shark attack andget readyyourself and simulate these big sharks in this wonderfulunderwatersea.Hungry angry shark attack features include- Beware of the submarine that coming to catch you- Look for delicious underwater food that fill your stomach- Learn and build up special skills to be the king of the sea- Powerful and impressive images and graphic- Compete with your friend and get higher score than them- It is still free to playLearn how to play hungry angry shark attack- Tap based control that is need time to master- Learn and build up your own unique skills than othersseamonsters- Stay yourself hungry to complete this gameHungry angry shark attack is updated regularly with newfeatures,graphics and challenges. Download now and stay tune withmore of theour new features that would amaze you when you arelooking for foodin the sea. Take control of the monster and be theking of the kingamong the underwater beast.Hungry sea animals are very dangerous especially shark who isinthe evolution stage. They would not simply attack movingcreatureswithout any blood smell. However, they are different now.They tendto grow into a very hot tempered monsters due to lack offood intheir habitat. Shortage of food make the hungry shark andall othercreature to fight among themselves as the food evolutionhave makethem go fearless.All fishes and sea plants had evolved due to the pollutionmadeby the human. Some fishes had become stronger and moreviolentwhile some had died because of the environment changes.Plantswhich are the main food in the sea have also become poisonousdueto poisonous pollution absorbed. Shortage of food haveendangermany sea species lives.Extinction of underwater creatures have affect the food chainandecosystem of the sea. The new environment have actually fire uptheanger sea king monster which is the shark species. The lackingoffood and poison surrounding make them so hungry and angry.Thehungry shark have their mind change and evolution of all thesharkbehaviours make them attack any living being especiallyhumanbeing.The sea is now become so much dangerous as compared to theolderday. Diver and fisherman tend to stay away from the sea.Thisphenomena happen because the shark would dash so fast to themwhenfound them. The shark seem to be controlled by a simulator inthesea. They are acting differently from the past. Thebeautifulunderwater is no longer the same anymore.Human have also fight back by sending submarine to capturetheshark. The shark swim and dash to the submarine even they knowthesubmarine poses danger to them. The sea have become sobloodynow.As time pass, human have realised their mistakes. Activisthavemake a lot of activities to raise the awareness of pollutionandits effect to the sea. Cleaning have been made to clear alltherubbish and pollution made in order to create back thenicebeautiful underwater. Shark are now recovered from drugsimulatorand become more friendly in the sea.This is a game before the awareness made. Sharks arestillattacking human races and vice versa. Thus, feel how thesharksfeel and have fun in this amazing and wonderful shark game.Wait nomore and download now!!!
Hockey Super Stars 1.0.2
Gamer Network
Hockey super stars is the latest style ofsportgame in the google play store. Download immediately to haveaadrenaline rush when playing this exciting hockey game. It isamust have mini sport game for all the hockey lovers and thestarsplayers in the arena. Start your journey now to be the bestplayerin the hockey rink. Win yourself all the way to be thechampion ofall the international ice hockey league and alsoworldchampionship. So, begin now to be the true champion in thisgreatolympic game.Features of hockey super stars are as below:- Single player mode and multiplayer mode available- Learn your own secret style of attacking and defending thehockeygoal net- Enjoy the great graphic of the ice hockey rink- Join the team that you want to be in- Compete with you friend and family on your ice hockey skillandtactic to win 3 time and more- Glow version of hockey puck availableIt is very easy to play hockey super stars. For this hockeygame,you just need to prepare and ready yourself for theenjoyment. Youcan start off training with hockey robot. It taketime to getperfect. When times go on you will find that you havebecome a topplayer in the game. When you find that you arecomfortable with thegame, you can start to compete with yourfriends and family. Invitethem for a mini hockey game and be awinner like a stars. Score thegame as simple as shooting the puckinto the goal net by simplyswiping your had. Get as much point asyou can to win the game.Hockey super stars is not just a single player game but canbeplay in multiplayer. You can alway challenge your friend inthisice hockey game and win them by scoring more than 3 point ormore.The player get point when one player successfully entering theglowpuck in the hockey goal net. The more the player score, thehigherchance the player winning the match. The ice hockey gameisconsidered over when one player score more than theothersplayer.This sport is not a mini game play in hockey high school butalsocontested at the winter olympic games among all the starsteam. Itis a game that played on the ice rink and each teamskaters have touse their hockey sticks to shoot the puck into thegoal net to winthe game. Effective strategies are also needed inorder to win.Hockey is a game basically similar to soccer whereteam spirit is anessential component to win in a match ortournament.Feel your heart beat now by getting this awesome game intoyourmobile phone or tablet. Have the fun not just with your ownselfbut also with your family and friends. Be a legend in thenationaland international hockey league or championship. Thus,downloaddown the hockey super stars while it is still free and hot.Playthe ice hockey like the way you want in your phone or tablet.Hurryup and start your hockey pro journey now!!
Train Racing Simulator 2 1.0.0
Gamer Network
The long awaiting train based game isfinallyin town to amaze all the excited gamers. Train racingsimulator isthe latest challenging and adventurous game in thecurrent market.It will surely surprise not just children but alsoadults with allthe stunning move they can make on their trains. Itwill even be agreat exposure for players who aim to become a traindriver andoperator. They can prepare themselves and get ready theirmindbefore entering the real working life. Download now and feelityourself with train racing simulator.Train racing simulator features as below:- Choose the trains that you like the most- Race with your favorite train in the railway track- Keep away from the dynamites with your incredible traincontrolskill- Amazing and impressive images and graphics- Compete with your friends’ train and get the highest scores inthegame- It is still free to playLearn to play train racing simulator- Press based control that need time to master- Learn and build up your own unique skills to get thehighscores- Collect the rewards along the railway trackTrain racing simulator is updated regularly with newfeatures,graphics and challenges. Download now and stay tune withmore ofour new features that would shock you when you are the traindriveron the railway. Take charge of the train and be the besttraindriver or operator on the earth.Train is one of the most wonderful and significant creation ofallthe transportation. It has help mankind to carry and transporthugequantity of people and goods over a long distance from onepoint toanother point. It has also become one of the mostimportanttransportation around the world. Million or even billionof peopleuse train everyday to work or travel from one destinationtoanother. Thus, being a train driver is such a fun andrespectfuljob in the world.Having a career in the transportation industry is no a simplejob.You have to learn and practice a lot regarding the train inorderto have full control of the vehicle. A to be train drivershave toundergo a lot of simulation or known as sim trainingbeforestarting the career. The train trainee have to work long houronthe simulator in order to master the operation of the vehicle.Thetrain education which is the sim training is not justaboutpressing the button but also learning all aspect such asweather,temperature and many many more.Training is often a tiring moment to go on. They can only passtheexam only after the train driver is good and had master theallskills of operating the simulator. This is because thetrainsimulator is able to help the trainee to experience all kindofproblem or crisis that might not occur frequently in real world.Asmost of the time, train accident tend to happen due to thepoorhandling and control of the driver. Thus, they have to learnandpractice to overcome these train problem or crisis to make surethejourney is safe and secure.Train have evolve a lot as compare to the past. Traditionaltrainlike steam train have been developed into many other type oftrainssuch as electric train and bullet train. The normal railwayhasalso been modified to electrified railway, high speedrailway,subway and others to cater the new type of train. Railwayno longeron the ground but also above the ground such as monorailand underthe ground such as subway train.Don’t miss this awesome train game while it is still free.Downloadnow and enjoy the fun of operating the train on yourfinger. Startyour race in this endless journey. Wait no more andhave the funwith you now!!!